Ghana is the first
country in the west Africa to gain independent. The country gains its
independent through these six men who contributed much for the country to gain
its independent. Their names are listed below;
1. Kwame Nkrumah
2. Arko Agyei
3. Obetsebi Lamptey
4. Edward Akuffo-Addo
5. JB Dankwah
Ofori Atta
first form a political party called United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC). And
called for Nkrumah from abroad to be the secretary for the party. Later Nkrumah
went and established his own party after the arrest of these six men by their
colonial masters. Nkrumah named his party Convention People’s Party (CPP). And
the motto for Nkrumah’s party gets the people’s attention and supported him.
His motto was “SELF GOVERNMENT NOW”.
party was established in 1949. After Nkrumah establishing his party, he became
rival with the UGCC leaders. Nkrumah fought as much as possible to free his
motherland Ghana from their colonial master’s rule-The Great Britain.
of elections were held for the local political parties who wanted to be the
political leaders for the country Ghana. Ghana initially was called Gold Coast
until gaining independent then change to the name Ghana. The name Ghana was
derived from the route of the Akan’s tribe in the Ghana. It was believed that
they came from an empire called OLD GHANA EMPIRE.
1951 to 1956, series of elections were held among the local political parties.
The parties that were into existence during that time were, UGCC, CPP, Ghana
Congress Party (GCP), Togoland Congress (TC), Northern People’s Party (NPP), National
liberation Movement (NLM), etc.
It was
until 1956 then the last general election was held and it was between CPP and
NLM. The CPP won this election and defeated the National Liberation Movement (NLM).
At this point of time, the Queen the was still in control of the affairs of the
country. It was until July 1960 then Ghana became a republic country to own their
own affairs and manage the country herself.
It was
on the 24th February, 1957, then Ghana became an independent country.
But Kwame Nkrumah changed the date from 24th February to 6th
March, 1957. This was so because Ghana became under colony on 6th
March 1871. So, Nkrumah wanted it to be simple to calculate the number of years
Ghana have been into colony. These changes affected the actual date Ghana
became an independent country since the day Nkrumah made those changes.
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